Preservation and interpretation of adobe archaeological remains is a difficult undertaking. Providing shelter for the remains, or reburying them, are the only effective approaches for long-term preservation. Keeping tree roots and other plant materials from the underground remains is also an important consideration when considering a planting plan.
Interpretation is another difficulty for earthen architectural remains that are buried below the surface. Reconstruction is not a preferred treatment, as it requires significant maintenance by trained staff and raises issues of authenticity. The current strategy of outlining the remains with small rocks allows the visitor to imagine what lies beneath, but poses problems with weed growth and can be confusing to distinguish from the ground plane. Creating a large-scale interpretation of the buried presidio remains with steel edging and different-colored ground cover allows the visitor to more clearly distinguish the buried remains from the ground surrounding the site. Small plants line the edges, their roots not disturbing the remains beneath, and allow visitors a clear view to the outlined remains beyond. Larger trees dot the landscape behind, framing the main view of the presidio and providing microclimate in other areas of the site. |